Image shows a woman reading a book at a table. The words say, "Women's Brain Health Day"
Self-Care and Wellbeing for Teachers

New Learning: Women’s Brain Health Day

Did you know that December 2 is recognized as Women’s Brain Health Day? After learning this information today, I instantly wanted to learn more. I will talk about my interest in brain health and share a few resources I’ve found, including the best website on women’s brain health.

I only learned of this today! I’m so happy to now know that it is recognized in Canada as of 2019.

Why the Interest in Brain Health?

Just a little backstory for you. When I chose the name, “Minds to Grow” for my website and blog, there were several different reasons for the selection. It resonated with me because it connected to the following: being a teacher and working with young children, my recent interest in caring for plants since the start of the pandemic, as well as the fact that I absolutely love learning new things each day.

I have been interested in learning about the brain for quite some time now. As a teacher, I enjoy helping my students learn about having a growth mindset. They always like learning that their brain is like a muscle and that they can grow their brain by doing challenging things. Check out this short video to learn more about growth mindset.

From a self-care and wellbeing perspective, I have been interested in learning more about brain health over the last decade. I feel blessed to have many special seniors in my life and so I have been learning a lot about health and aging. In that learning, I discovered that concerns about brain health and potential cognitive decline are not just limited to when we’re older, but instead an important focus at any age.

Most recently, I ordered and started reading a book with a title that caught my attention. Of course, the title makes it sound too good to be true, yet after reading through it, I learned that key lifestyle changes can help people take better care of their brain. I see the importance of physically working out, and surely see the importance of focusing more on brain health, too.

a book, summer reflection guide for teachers, on a table

What’s the Name of the Book?

The book, “The 30-Day Alzheimer’s Solution: The Definitive Food and Lifestyle Guide to Preventing Cognitive Decline”, was written by Dean Sherzai, MD, PhD, and Ayesha Sherzai, MD, MAS. This book is divided into four parts:

  1. A Proven Plan for Alzheimer’s Prevention
  2. What to Eat, What Not to Eat, and Why
  3. The Neuro Plan: 30 Days of Brain-Boosting
  4. Recipes

I learned a lot from the explanations and descriptions, appreciated the practical tips included in the book, as well as the delicious, easy-to-make recipes. I’ve already tried out a few recipes multiple times! Quick example: the Chickpea Omelet on page 99 is a new favourite for me!

Read this! Self-Care for Teachers: My Favourite Beverages

Video: Women’s Brain Health Day: Advocates say brain-aging disorders under-researched in women

See below for a picture of the planner!

Important Topic, Important Day

Today is the third annual Women’s Brain Health Day in Canada. It started in 2019 and I’m so glad to know that it is something being recognized.

This image shows photographs of different groups of women. The text beside them say, "Did you know that it's Women's Brain Health Day on December 2?"

A most wonderful resource that I found today is the Women’s Brain Health Initiative (WBHI). On the website, it shares its mission:

“Women’s Brain Health Initiative (WBHI) helps protect women’s brain health by focusing its resources on research to combat brain-aging disorders that disproportionately affect women, and by creating compelling preventative health education programs, grounded in science, so there is a greater understanding by the public of the best ways to prolong their cognitive vitality.” (

Now that I know about this website, I look forward to visiting often and learning as much as possible. It is a resource that will help me continue to build my knowledge on brain health and ultimately be of help to me, and hopefully even others reading today.



Women’s brain health initiative (WBHI),

Closing Thoughts

Have you been interested in learning more about brain health, too?

If so, what kinds of new learning do you have?

Have you changed any particular habits or behaviour to help focus more on self-care and wellbeing?

Stay Connected!

Let’s chat on social media! Stay connected with Minds to Grow on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and Pinterest. You can also keep in touch with

Image shows a wooden pathway surrounded by trees. There is some sunlight shining through the trees onto the pathway. Words, "Keep going, keep growing" by www.mindstogrow are at the bottom of the picture.
Professional Growth for Teachers, Self-Care and Wellbeing for Teachers

Encouraging Words: Keep Going. Keep Growing.

Image shows a wooden pathway surrounded by trees. There is some sunlight shining through the trees onto the pathway. Words, "Keep going, keep growing" by www.mindstogrow are at the bottom of the picture.

Keep going. Keep growing.

Some days may feel tougher than others, but be encouraged to keep going.

This past year has surely been and continues to be challenging, yet we have been gifted with being here now.

To the teacher who feels frustrated by all of the changes that need to be made in order to create learning experiences for students during this time: keep going.

To the parents who feel more exhausted than ever, trying to balance their own work at home along with remote learning for their children: keep going.

To the students who may feel confused about the times we live in and feel isolated because they cannot connect with their friends as before: keep going.

It’s harder to think so on some days, but it will get better.

It’s my hope (today or one day) that we can see the experiences we have gone through (and continue to go through) as ones where we grew because we kept going.

One step at a time. One day at a time.

Let’s keep encouraging one another.

Keep going. Keep growing.

#grow #growthmindset #keepgoing #keepgrowing #pandemic #pandemiclife #teachers #teaching #learningathome #betterdays #encouragement #thoughts #youmatter #blessed #grateful #mindstogrow

Personal Growth for Teachers, Professional Growth for Teachers

How Will I Grow My Mind Today?

Every year when teachers get their class list for the following school year, we start planning in our minds about how we can reach this future group of students. We think about what worked well (and what didn’t work well) in the past year. We think about new strategies, lessons, and activities that we can use to help facilitate learning with our next class. 

A few years ago, as I was preparing to teach Grade 2, I looked at my new class list and recognized some familiar names. One name in particular got me thinking about how I would be able to help that learner. You see, that student had some difficulties with learning and as a result, was also struggling with low self-esteem. It’s not easy seeing your peers learn new concepts that you consistently have a hard time understanding. When I saw the name, I knew that I had to focus on building self-esteem and to help shift their thinking in order to help create a space for learning and growing. 

Enter Growth Mindset. I was determined to find a way to help that particular student from the very beginning of the school year. Once I learned more about Growth Mindset, I knew that it would not only (hopefully) encourage that student in question, but also benefit all of my students. In my mind, it was worth the effort to teach lessons on Growth Mindset and just watch what happens.

Well, I’m happy to say that it not only helped that child’s self-esteem, but it also strengthened the self-esteem of my other students! Growth Mindset revolutionized my classroom and helped me become a better teacher, too. It’s something that has also been a blessing to me personally as well. I am truly looking forward to exploring and sharing more about Growth Mindset through my Minds to Grow blog, website, and other social media

A question I like to ask myself each day is, “How will I grow my mind today?” Sometimes it’s just a small task (e.g., learning a Life Hack) and other times, a larger one. I love learning new things and for that reason, it’s exciting to challenge myself to do things that I may have thought were too difficult to do in the past.   

So I ask you today, too: How will you grow your mind today? What do you have in mind to try out that you’ve wanted to try, but perhaps felt too afraid to try in the past? 

Let’s encourage each other and watch each other grow!

How will I grow my mind today?

leaves, branch, spring, growth mindset
What is Minds to Grow?

Introducing Minds to Grow: Here We Grow

leaves, branch, spring, growth mindset

Thanks for visiting my blog on Minds to Grow! I’m so glad that you’re here!

My name is Kris. Since I was a little girl, I always dreamed of becoming a teacher. I feel so blessed to be able to live out that dream and be an educator to primary-aged students.

Through Minds to Grow, I help primary teachers save time with tips and resources for the classroom so they can also focus on personal and professional growth.