photography of girl riding bike beside man
Professional Growth for Teachers, Teaching

Try Something New: Phonemic Awareness Instruction

In order to further assist my students as they learn to read, I am using the book, Shifting the Balance by Jan Burkins and Kari Yates, as a resource. I will share my learning about the importance of phonemic awareness instruction from the second chapter, “Shift 2: Recommitting to Phonemic Awareness Instruction” and reflect on some ways I intend to use it in my classroom. It has also inspired me to try something totally new and I can’t wait to see how it all works out over the year.

READ THIS: “Shifting the Balance: Professional Reading for the Summer”

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What is Phonemic Awareness Instruction?

In the opening of this chapter, there was a description of how certain terms like phonemic awareness, phonological awareness, and even phonics are often used as if they all mean the same thing. I have also been confused over the years with the terms. Reading this chapter has helped clarify it more for me, but I will surely revisit this chapter often to build upon and review my learning.

According to the text, Shifting the Balance, phonemic awareness “involves only spoken sounds, without letters attached” (page 38), while phonemic awareness instruction is “teaching children to notice, articulate, and manipulate the smallest sounds in words” (page 35).

READ THIS: “Talking Builds Comprehension: Create Opportunities to Talk”

a book, summer reflection guide for teachers, on a table

Phonemic Awareness Develops Naturally?

This was one of the topics of “misunderstanding” in this chapter, that “phonemic awareness develops naturally” (page 36). Learning to listen, learning to read, is a whole lot of work! It takes great time and effort to develop these key skills. For that reason, students need the time and regular practice to work on becoming stronger in these areas.

Reading through this chapter made me realize just how necessary it is to consistently and explicitly teach students about the sounds they hear, especially as they learn to read. It made me think about how I’m going to plan for phonemic awareness instruction in my daily routines. I definitely want to approach teaching phonemes differently this year.

brown wooden blocks on white surface
Photo by Brett Jordan on

What are Phonemes?

Phonemes are the smallest sounds in words. These small, individual sounds (phonemes) are what I need to help my students learn more. There are 44 phonemes in the English language. Check out Jake Pool’s post, “44 Phonemes in English and Other Sound Blends” to see a nice breakdown of phonemes.

Here is a great video that models the 44 phonemes in English.

This Chapter is So Important!

This chapter is extremely important and I’m so glad that it’s part of this book. I have to admit, however, that it was overwhelming. There is so much helpful information packed into this chapter. It is why I will revisit the chapter many more times this year in order to try out different things!

A recommendation for making this shift calmed me down after wondering how I would be able to “do it all”. The authors suggest that educators “gather what you need for thoughtful phonemic awareness instruction” (page 50). Here are the four things they suggest teachers really need to do this:

  1. Instructional Routines
  2. Word Lists
  3. Multisensory Scaffolds
  4. Assessment Plan


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A Routine I Will Use for Phonemic Awareness Instruction

One suggested routine is to help students learn to observe how sounds are made. The reasoning behind this routine is to give children the opportunity to see how their mouth, lips, etc. make different phonemes. I instantly loved the recommendation to have students look in a mirror to see what their mouths look like when they make certain sounds…then I remembered that it won’t work this year in class since we are wearing masks due to the pandemic.

That’s when I decided I needed to find another way to help this process start in the classroom, despite the fact that we cannot see our mouths as we manipulate sounds.

I decided that I will use a Sound Wall, one with images of mouth shapes connected to the sounds being made.

I searched through many resources online and finally selected one by Simply Kinder. Check out this awesome resource here!

I plan on instructing my students carefully and not simply placing the images on the wall before explicitly teaching them about a specific sound. I want to encourage them to use it as a reference.

letter blocks
Photo by Pixabay on

Other Routines I Will Try Out This Week!

  1. Blending – Students will listen to the individual sounds (phonemes) I make, then guess the word! I already know my students will enjoy the mystery of it all.
  2. Isolation and Discrimination – This routine will help students identify words that have the same beginning, middle or ending. For example, which words have the same sound at the beginning: down, dog, tag?

Closing Thoughts on this Chapter

I have learned that I truly need to be intentional about phonemic awareness instruction. If I consistently and explicitly help my students focus more on this, it is my hope that I can especially help those who may be struggling readers and writers.

How do you use phonemic awareness instruction to help students learn to read and write?

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photo of toddler smiling

Teacher Tip: Share a Sunshine Note

Spread Some Joy with a Sunshine Note!

A sunshine note is a happy little message from you to your students and their families. You can send it home on paper, with a quick message over the phone, online by email or even via your virtual classroom. This post will focus on the start of the school year, but you can send a sunshine note at any time of the year!

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Why Is This Important?

The start of the school year means the start of creating community, building trust, and engaging students and families. One way to show them that you are over the moon to work with them this year is by sending a sunshine note early on!

Click above to get a FREE Sunshine Note template!

How Do I Use Sunshine Notes in my Classroom?

Each year, I purposely send out a generic Sunshine Note at the end of the first week of school. Why generic? Simply because it helps me make sure that every child receives one at the start of the school year.

Once I start learning more about my students, I intentionally plan certain times in the year when I will send out sunshine notes for the whole class at the same time. I also plan and send out short, yet personalized sunshine notes when I wish to share observations, positive behaviours, growth in learning, etc.

Sometimes I send a few at the end of the week for a period of one month, until all students receive a quick, personalized sunshine note.

Sometimes I write the messages by hand, other times I send them in a short email. Last year, I started creating digital sunshine notes that were generic, uploaded them to an email for a parent, then typed a quick, personalized message.

Whether it is done on paper, online, or by phone, students and parents appreciate the gesture. It feels great to be a source of joy in this small way, too. Celebrating my students’ growth in learning and choices is a joy!

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Why is a Simple Sunshine Note or Message Powerful?

  1. It shows students and parents that you care!
  2. It puts a smile on the faces of your students. BONUS: Add a sticker to see an even bigger grin!
  3. It helps a parent learn about positive behaviour their child is showing in class.
  4. It can help a parent learn about strengths or improvements you have observed.

photo of toddler smiling
Photo by Alexander Dummer on

Questions about Sunshine Notes

  1. Have you ever sent Sunshine Notes before to your students and families? If so, what was the response?
  2. How often do you send them? Do you send them on a regular basis or a few times during the year?
  3. Do you prefer to send them in writing, online, or with a phone call?

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image shows a stack of picture books in front of a mug with smiley faces; the title above says, "My 3 Favourite Picture Books about Growth Mindset" by Minds to Grow Blog on

Growth Mindset Picture Books: My Three Favourite Books

Teaching your students to develop a growth mindset can help them to face challenges in learning and life with more confidence. It can help students view making mistakes as an opportunity to reflect and do things in a different way. Using  picture books to teach growth mindset is an awesome way to introduce this way of thinking to your students.

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Just like with learning anything new, learning about growth mindset took some time for me to understand and start applying in my professional and personal life. Going from having a fixed mindset to a growth mindset requires adjustment in one’s self-talk, patterns of thinking, and actions.

Picture Books for Growth Mindset?

The first time I learned about growth mindset, I was intrigued and excited because I saw so many benefits to having a growth mindset in my personal life and professional life. I was eager to teach my students about it, too. 

But how could I do this in a simple way? 

How in the world do you teach it to young students?

Enter one of my favourite ways of teaching big ideas to my students: picture books.

My Three Favourites!

I am going to share three of my personal favourite books that can help you talk about growth mindset with your students. Each time I read these books to a class, they often refer back to the stories when they find themselves going through a learning struggle or thinking of doing something in a different way. Picture books are simply the best!

Click here for a simple Growth Mindset template.

Why Picture Books?

Reading picture books to young students about growth mindset helps them build an understanding. Once young readers have a baseline to refer to in their mind, then it’s easier for them to grasp the concepts we wish to help them develop and learn.

Also read: How Will I Grow My Brain Today?

Book #1

When Sophie Thinks She Can’t (Written and Illustrated by Molly Bang)

Sophie is a young student who knows what she can do well, yet she also knows that a certain subject is really difficult for her. At the start of the story, she struggles to complete a challenging task at home. Some unkind words from her sister discourage her and she feels like giving up. At school, her teacher presents a math challenge to the class. Sophie has a hard time believing that she can figure it out. She soon discovers that struggling through difficult tasks can lead her to believe in herself, feel more open to solving problems in different ways, and see the benefits of persevering. 

This is a book that my students have asked to hear over and over again, year after year! I recently had a past student remind me of “that growth mindset” book that we read back in the day! 

Click here to purchase this book! *non-affiliate / unsponsored link*

Book #2

Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: Stretch It, Shape It (Written by JoAnn Deak, PhD, Illustrated by Sarah Ackerley)

This book is simply put, fantastic! This text helps readers learn about the parts of the brain and how the brain works. It shares some great examples of how to make your brain “grow”. I like how the book explains that making mistakes helps us to learn and grow our brain. This book is a great one for young students,  as well as people of all ages who want to learn about the brain and growth mindset. 

Click here to purchase this book! *non-affiliate / unsponsored link*

Book #3

The Dot (Written and Illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds)

Vashti is not confident in her drawing abilities. With some gentle encouragement from her teacher, she tries to draw something. Vashti soon becomes curious about drawing in a multitude of different ways. 

This story is a class favourite. When I read this story this past year, I was so pleased when my students recognized that the main character had a fixed mindset (e.g., thinking she couldn’t do something) then developed a growth mindset (e.g., believing that one can reflect on their learning or mistakes and grow from them). 

Click here to purchase this book! *non-affiliate / unsponsored link*

Picture Books for the Win!

In conclusion, using picture books is an amazing way to help students understand key concepts and big ideas. The three books shared above are my own personal favourites for introducing Growth Mindset to my students. What books have you used to teach Growth Mindset?

Thanks for reading about these three super books. To stay updated on future blog posts, quick ideas, and resources, please connect with me on social media:  Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter

Thanks for dropping by. See you next time!


For the Love of Reading: We’re Going On a Nature Hunt

Spring is around the corner and my Grade 1 students and I are excited to go on Science Walks!

It’s amazing to see the joy in your students’ faces when they explore the outdoors while on a purposeful adventure.

Even a simple, “Let’s stop and listen to the wind moving…” becomes a joyful journey in learning.

A book that my Grade 1’s love is, “We’re Going On A Nature Hunt” written by Steve Metzger and illustrated by Miki Sakamoto.

Do you have a favourite picture book about nature?

#nature #picturebook #grade1 #teaching #journey #learning #mindstogrow #reading #adventure #explore #plants #trees #school #spring

Image shows a wooden pathway surrounded by trees. There is some sunlight shining through the trees onto the pathway. Words, "Keep going, keep growing" by www.mindstogrow are at the bottom of the picture.
Professional Growth for Teachers, Self-Care and Wellbeing for Teachers

Encouraging Words: Keep Going. Keep Growing.

Image shows a wooden pathway surrounded by trees. There is some sunlight shining through the trees onto the pathway. Words, "Keep going, keep growing" by www.mindstogrow are at the bottom of the picture.

Keep going. Keep growing.

Some days may feel tougher than others, but be encouraged to keep going.

This past year has surely been and continues to be challenging, yet we have been gifted with being here now.

To the teacher who feels frustrated by all of the changes that need to be made in order to create learning experiences for students during this time: keep going.

To the parents who feel more exhausted than ever, trying to balance their own work at home along with remote learning for their children: keep going.

To the students who may feel confused about the times we live in and feel isolated because they cannot connect with their friends as before: keep going.

It’s harder to think so on some days, but it will get better.

It’s my hope (today or one day) that we can see the experiences we have gone through (and continue to go through) as ones where we grew because we kept going.

One step at a time. One day at a time.

Let’s keep encouraging one another.

Keep going. Keep growing.

#grow #growthmindset #keepgoing #keepgrowing #pandemic #pandemiclife #teachers #teaching #learningathome #betterdays #encouragement #thoughts #youmatter #blessed #grateful #mindstogrow