stressed professional woman
Personal Growth for Teachers, Professional Growth for Teachers

How Will You Spend Your Time This School Year?

Do you feel stressed out already about the new school year? Let’s talk about time and how we can spend it this school year.

Read this post: Personal Growth for Teachers

Read this post: Self-Care in the Summer for the Tired Teacher

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woman wearing white dress reading book
Personal Growth for Teachers

Personal Growth for Teachers

Teachers dedicate a great amount of time and energy into planning for and working with their students. Busy teachers often feel like they don’t have time to focus on personal interests. In this blog post, I will start talking about personal growth for teachers.

woman wearing white dress reading book
Photo by Min An on

What is Personal Growth?

In the blog post, “What is Personal Growth and Why Is It So Important?” (Vishen, Amy White, June 23, 2022), personal growth is described as follows:

“Personal growth is the improvement of our skills, knowledge, wisdom, habits, behavior, and personal qualities. Personal development allows you to reach your full potential, be your best self and live your happiest, most successful life.”

It also states the following: 

“It’s not just about learning — it’s about applying whatever you learn so it becomes part of who you are.” (

green leaves with raindrops

Read this Blog Post: Self-Care in Summer for the Tired Teacher

Personal Growth for Teachers?

As educators, we aim to meet our students where they are in their learning and help them grow from there. 

We help facilitate their learning so that they can grow their knowledge, develop social skills, become critical thinkers and communicators, and so much more. 

boy and girl doing painting
Photo by Yan Krukov on

We feel a deep sense of joy when we see our students’ progress from Point A to Point B. I personally feel proud of what my students and I accomplish together when I see just how much progress has occurred in our school year. I see how they continue to work hard and broaden their understanding.

Personal growth for the teacher is valuable and needed, too. 

woman holding a camera with outstretched arms in front of a mountain; personal growth for teachers

Perhaps you’re thinking of the following: 

“When in the world do I have time for personal growth? I barely have time to focus on me because I’m simply too busy with everything else!” 

Does this resonate with you?

If it does, then please keep reading. This is a necessary topic and one that I’m pleased you are also interested in just like me!

picture of free Summer Reflection Guide for Teachers by Minds to Grow

A Quick Little Challenge

Here’s a little challenge for you! 

Take out a pen and paper (or if preferred, get ready to type on a device of your choice). 

For the next 60 seconds, make a list of some work-related tasks that keep you super busy each day, throughout the school year, etc. 

And begin!

person writing on a notebook beside macbook; personal growth for teachers
Photo by Judit Peter on

What Prevents Teachers from Focusing More on Personal Growth?

So, what did you record on your list? Were you able to come up with only one or two items?

Chances are, your list was pretty long. You may have even felt like you needed extra time to create a more exhaustive list!

Did any of the following make your list, too?

  • Creating plans for your class (e.g., yearly overview, weekly and daily plans, etc.)
  • Development of IEP’s
  • Communicating with parents (e.g., via email, by phone, in person, etc.)
  • Marking
  • Planning for lessons throughout the day (e.g., organizing manipulatives, etc.)
  • Attending meetings and professional development
  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Writing report cards

woman sitting in front of macbook
Photo by on

To answer the question personally, what has stopped me in the past from focusing more on personal growth is quite simply my busy schedule. 

There never seems to be enough time to do other “stuff”.

Well, for a while now, I adjusted my mindset on that because I realized that the other “stuff” is especially important and needed in my life. 

Let’s Daydream for a Moment…

Remove the Teacher Hat that we wear for a moment.

Think about a specific thing you’ve always been interested in doing, but haven’t found the time to do so yet.

side view photo of woman sitting on ground overlooking a hill
Photo by Luis Fernandes on

Can you imagine it? Something just for you. A goal you have personally been interested in working towards or an intention you wish to set for yourself. 

How would you feel to be engaged in making that happen for you? 

Would you feel a sense of joy, pride, accomplishment, growth? 

photo of woman standing on sunflower field; personal growth for teachers
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

If so, I sincerely encourage you to start thinking more about that one thing (or things) you have been dreaming of doing, but can’t find the time to start.

variety of flowers around a quote about personal growth for teachers

I’m thrilled you are here, Teacher friend, especially if you are on a journey, like myself, to focus more on personal growth with our busy schedules.

You are worth it and so am I. 

We need to do this for ourselves and starting it sooner than later can help us start, well, growing. 

Stay tuned to this blog category on Personal Growth, for more tips and words of encouragement to keep growing. 

I believe in you! Thanks for believing in me, too!

So, what are we waiting for?

3, 2, 1…let’s grow!

Stay Connected!

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