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Professional Growth for Teachers, Teaching

Shifting the Balance: Professional Reading for the Summer

Shifting the Balance is a book that caught my attention recently because it focuses on a topic that I want to learn more about: the Science of Reading. While scrolling on Instagram just a few weeks ago, I noticed the term, the “Science of Reading” and it stopped me in my tracks. It was a term I had not seen or heard before and it instantly made me curious. For this reason, I started searching for resources to help me learn more about the Science of Reading. 

There is an image of a woman with long hair reading a book. There is also a photograph of the book, "Shifting the Balance: 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading Into the Balanced Literacy Classroom" by Jan Burkins and Kari Yates.

Shifting the Balance: My Own Summer Book Club?

I was so happy to come across the book, Shifting the Balance by Jan Burkins and Kari Yates (2021). After reading more about the resource, I decided that it was the best fit for me. I ordered the book and it is now my professional reading for the summer break! I have yet to start the book, but I’m excited to learn more about the Science of Reading through studying this resource.

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Shifting the Balance: Does Something Need to Be Shifted?

Upon looking at the cover, I see that this book is primarily suitable for teachers from Kindergarten to Grade 2. The subtitle for the book, Shifting the Balance is “6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading into the Balanced Literacy Classroom”. 

Hmmm. A Balanced Literacy Classroom…that’s my classroom. That’s what I have learned about from so many workshops, professional resources, and more. The title of the book was calling out my name and I knew that it would be the book to help me understand what this shift is all about!

What is Balanced Literacy Any Way?

 The term, “balanced literacy” has been at the forefront of many language programs, especially in early primary classrooms (Kindergarten to Grade 2). In my opinion, it is a broad term that describes ways to help immerse students in different kinds of language activities (e.g., guided, shared, independent work) in order to help them become well-rounded readers and writers. 

Mission to Make a Way for Learning

I personally love helping my students grow and strengthen their language skills through reading, writing, oral communication, word play, etc. The focus on having a balanced literacy program has felt like the norm for the last little while. It has become a comfort zone, so to speak, in planning my language program, and I’m very happy with the success many students have achieved. However, there are sometimes some learners who may appear to have more difficulty grasping key language skills. As a teacher who constantly wants to problem-solve, such a situation puts me on a mission to find new strategies or ideas to help me try and reach those students in a different and better way.

Growth Mindset: Time to Learn Something In A Different Way!

In the same way I wish for my students to become lifelong learners, I, too, enjoy learning and “growing my brain”. Learning about the Science of Reading is an opportunity for me to learn something new, perhaps have a shift in mindset on the approach of teaching reading, and hopefully, make me a stronger reading teacher for my students, especially those that may be struggling. 

Is this book on your summer reading list, too? Click here to buy Shifting the Balance. *non-affiliate / unsponsored link*

This Blog Post Has Just Started, But It Will Already Be Continued!

Let me repeat: I have yet to start reading, Shifting the Balance! I just received it in the mail yesterday. In this blog, I will outline my initial thoughts on the resource. I look forward to sharing more about the book in future posts! Stay tuned.

This image has the words, "What's the Science of Reading?" Learn along with me!

Initial Observations

Here are some interesting things that I noticed as I skimmed through the book for the first time:

  1. The title for the introduction is, “Embracing Science and Balance”. It sounds like a way to welcome me, the reader, into opening my mind to learning about the science of reading as well as a balanced reading approach. I’m anticipating that the introduction will describe the rationale for looking at the Science of Reading. 
  1. The book is broken down into the “6 Shifts”, as described on the cover (e.g., 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading into the Balanced Literacy Classroom).
  1. In the Contents section, I already like how each shift (chapter) has a similar pattern:
    • “Clearing Up Some Confusion”
    • Misunderstandings
    • Summary of the Science 
    • Recommendations for Making the Shift

This image has a bookshelf with many books on it. The words, "Growth Mindset Picture Books" and "" are underneath the picture. Clicking on the link will take you to the blog post on Minds to Grow's website.

I’m really excited to see the breakdown from the contents because it sounds like I will be learning a lot! As I skim through the list of “misunderstandings”, I immediately agree with some, yet realize that there are many that may cause a shift in my thinking as well. That’s good! There will be growth!

I’m also glad there is a summary of the Science of Reading as it relates to each “shift”. 

When I initially started researching about the Science of Reading online, it became a bit overwhelming to see some of the information out there, hence the reason why this book seemed like a great introduction for me! 

The “Recommendations for Making the Shift” makes me smile because I know there will be some practical ways to help me implement new learning with my students. I can’t wait to dive in!

How Do I Feel About It All?

I must admit, I am a bit nervous as I prepare to dive into this book. I’m super excited to start, nevertheless! This book may stretch me in a short time. It may cause me to change some approaches in how I teach reading. I’m ready for the new learning. I acknowledge that it may mean an overhaul of what I have done before. That’s more than okay if it can help produce even greater results and help for students! 

I’m ready to go beyond my comfort zone and learn the science so that I can help struggling students.

Flipping Through the Pages of the Book

I see lots of figures and tables included on the pages. Loving that already! I am a visual learner, so these types of tools are especially helpful and beneficial to me. The book is also colour-coded (e.g., each shift has a specific colour for easy reference, I believe). I also noticed some reflection questions at the end of each chapter. I will reflect on my learning at the end of each chapter and use it this year. 

This image shows a variety of school supplies like pencils, crayons, sharpeners on a wooden background. The words, "Get Ready for Back to School!" is in the middle of the items. Clicking on this image leads you to the Minds to Grow TPT store. This link shows a Back to School activity bundle at:

Time to Start Reading!

This book, Shifting the Balance, is a professional reading resource for Kindergarten to Grade 2 teachers. On the website for this book,, I noticed that there are some great free resources available there! I will surely look into them. There is also a podcast which can help me in my journey of learning more about the Science of Reading.

If you are interested in learning along with me, consider purchasing a copy of the book.  *non-affiliate / unsponsored link*

Looking forward to sharing some of my thoughts and new learning after reading the first chapter of Shift the Balance. Hope you will join me then!

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Personal Growth for Teachers, Professional Growth for Teachers

How Will I Grow My Mind Today?

Every year when teachers get their class list for the following school year, we start planning in our minds about how we can reach this future group of students. We think about what worked well (and what didn’t work well) in the past year. We think about new strategies, lessons, and activities that we can use to help facilitate learning with our next class. 

A few years ago, as I was preparing to teach Grade 2, I looked at my new class list and recognized some familiar names. One name in particular got me thinking about how I would be able to help that learner. You see, that student had some difficulties with learning and as a result, was also struggling with low self-esteem. It’s not easy seeing your peers learn new concepts that you consistently have a hard time understanding. When I saw the name, I knew that I had to focus on building self-esteem and to help shift their thinking in order to help create a space for learning and growing. 

Enter Growth Mindset. I was determined to find a way to help that particular student from the very beginning of the school year. Once I learned more about Growth Mindset, I knew that it would not only (hopefully) encourage that student in question, but also benefit all of my students. In my mind, it was worth the effort to teach lessons on Growth Mindset and just watch what happens.

Well, I’m happy to say that it not only helped that child’s self-esteem, but it also strengthened the self-esteem of my other students! Growth Mindset revolutionized my classroom and helped me become a better teacher, too. It’s something that has also been a blessing to me personally as well. I am truly looking forward to exploring and sharing more about Growth Mindset through my Minds to Grow blog, website, and other social media

A question I like to ask myself each day is, “How will I grow my mind today?” Sometimes it’s just a small task (e.g., learning a Life Hack) and other times, a larger one. I love learning new things and for that reason, it’s exciting to challenge myself to do things that I may have thought were too difficult to do in the past.   

So I ask you today, too: How will you grow your mind today? What do you have in mind to try out that you’ve wanted to try, but perhaps felt too afraid to try in the past? 

Let’s encourage each other and watch each other grow!

How will I grow my mind today?