photo of sticky notes and colored pens scrambled on table

Teacher Tip: Students Love Surveys!

Students enjoy learning about each other with the use of surveys. It’s also an easy way to learn more about the young people I work with each day, too. In this blog post, I will share a few ways I use them in my primary classroom.

click for free weekly planning page template

Why Is This Important?

Surveys are part of my Math instruction during the school year (e.g., the math strand of Data Management ). Due to the often interactive nature of doing surveys, students enjoy using them in class at any given time. One of my students’ favourite thing to do is talk to their peers during class time. What they may not realize is that encouraging them to talk in such purposeful ways is integral to their learning! It’s a win-win!

Image shows a picture of several different simple surveys for young students to do in class.

a book, summer reflection guide for teachers, on a table

A Favourite and Helpful Video

Here’s a favourite video I love sharing with my students when we start learning about Data Management and collecting data. It’s by Scratch Garden on YouTube.

Skills Students Learn With Surveys

  1. Thinking of great questions to ask others (e.g., “What season do you prefer: Winter of Spring?”).
  2. Creating a variety of surveys (e.g., “I will create a T-chart or graph the responses with a pictograph.”).
  3. Collecting and sorting data (e.g., “I will use tally marks as I ask my friends the survey question.”).
  4. Reading data (e.g., “Five people said they prefer winter. Three people prefer Spring.”).
  5. Interpreting data (e.g., “More people prefer winter. I wonder why winter is the more popular season in my class?”).

Samples of Simple Surveys Used in My Classroom

image shows four simple surveys suitable for primary classroom
Four examples of simple surveys I use in my classroom.

How I Engage Students with Surveys in My Classroom

Whiteboard and Dry Erase Markers: When I ask my students to use these tools, any task becomes a more interesting one! My primary students enjoy drawing simple surveys (e.g., a T-Chart) and collecting data from their peers on their individual whiteboards.

Paper and Markers or Pencil Crayons: For my students who enjoy using various tools as they learn each day, having the choice to use markers or pencil crayons to do their math adds to the fun. I’ve noticed how some of my students even like using these tools to colour-code their data or design their surveys.

Clipboards: This has been a game-changer for me from a few years ago. When I hand a clipboard to each student, for some reason, they become like superstars and become engaged, excited to start working! They enjoy clipping their papers onto them, then moving around the room to speak to peers and record their answers. A clipboard for each student is a resource I love having in my classroom.

Click on the images below for more details on these helpful classroom resources! *non-affiliate / unsponsored links*

Using Surveys Outside of Math Instruction

Teaching my students how to use surveys in class helps them experience success in other areas of their learning, too. For example, once they know how to create a survey, students are ready to create them or use the skills to read one at any time.

Here are some other ways I use surveys in my primary classroom:

Science: When students are learning about animals, they enjoy making surveys on various animals. After learning about animal groups, I encourage them to create surveys for each animal group. Example: “What is your favourite type of mammal: a tiger or a fox?”

Homework Task: When my students are encouraged to create a survey, then use it at home with their family, it’s always great fun when they share their results the next day with their peers. It’s real-world information for them and a great discussion opener in class.

I’m done, now what? I’m sure you can think of at least one student in class who seems to finish assigned tasks in what may seem like a few moments. Here’s a great way to engage that student in a purposeful way and keep them occupied on a different task. I encourage that student to create their own survey template and keep it in their desk (e.g., folder, binder, etc.). They will be able to use it in class at a later time (e.g., ask their peers and record their responses).

Read the previous Teacher Tip: Try Something New: Phonemic Awareness Instruction

Questions to Consider

  1. How do you use surveys in your classroom?
  2. What types of surveys do your students enjoy creating the most?
  3. What part of data management is the most challenging for your students?

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set of coloring pencils forming heart

Back to School Tips for the New School Year!

Let’s prepare for the new school year with some back to school tips! Whether you teach a primary or junior grade, the first few weeks of school are vital in creating a presence and the tempo of your classroom. 

Back to School: Ready Or Not…It’s Here!

How have you spent your summer break? Hopefully, it’s been one that included some downtime and rest. Some fun and relaxation. Why? Simply because it was needed. The summer break has been super necessary after the year we’ve had in teaching. I sincerely hope you had some days to rest and rejuvenate in ways that are special for you.

Despite it being summer though, the reality is that it’s time to prepare for back to school. Where I live, we go back to school in early September. Now that it is August, planning for the new school year is definitely on my mind.

click for free weekly planning page template

Back to School: The Early Years of Teaching

As a new teacher, I focused on back to school preparations in a different way. I spent time planning for teaching, assessing, and evaluation, but spent a whole lot of time physically preparing my classroom. I remember dedicating so much time making sure my bulletin boards, decor, and other visuals were “just right”.

Today I still see this is an important part of getting ready to go back to school. In fact, it’s exciting and fun to include this in the process! After experiencing many first days of school however, I have realized a few key areas that truly benefit my class and my teaching overall each year.

Back to School Tips

In this post, I’m going to share six back to school tips that I look forward to following again as I prepare for my new class. Perhaps they may be helpful for you, too!

This image shows a backpack with school supplies under the title, Back to School Activity Bundle. This teacher resource is most suitable for Grades 1 - 2, created by Minds to Grow. Available in the Minds to Grow TPT store.

Back to School Tip #1: Plan Your Year

This is key to having a successful school year! Back to school preparations for me starts with drafting an outline of my school year. Even though we already know that plans may change as we get to know our students’ needs and interests, it’s still important to have a map of where we are going in our learning.

The last year has especially demanded change in our teaching due to the pandemic. For that reason, I will be planning my year with the most useful aspects of my in-person and distance learning experiences.

This is What I do When Planning My Year

1. Plan my Year-at-a-Glance: I write down the topics in each subject that I need to cover. I then break down the topics by term and/or month. To organize my year, I use a simple digital teacher planner that I created. I like using it because I can easily make changes as needed. For more details, you can read about it here.

2. Focus on curriculum expectations or standards: I look through the curriculum documents. The expectations helps me plan my units in more detail.

3. Outline Unit Plans for Each Subject for the Year: This is where I use my curriculum expectations to focus on what I will cover in each subject. This process also helps me think about lessons, key strategies, assessments, and activities that will drive my teaching.

4. Reporting Statements: Yes, I know it’s only back to school time, yet part of preparing me for a successful year includes this task. Planning with the end in mind helps me stay organized. It also guides my assessments and lowers stress levels (slightly) when it’s time to write report cards. 

5. Brainstorm Activities for the First Weeks of School: Time to think about getting to know my new students! It’s best to think about ways to help each new class start their year in a great way! I use the first few weeks of school to strictly get to know my students and learn about what they know and need to know. 

Before going onto the next tip, I just have to mention that my planning doesn’t stop at the above! Once I assess the needs of my students, I start breaking down my plans for the term even further: I start using a digital Week-at-a-Glance planner. This helps me organize my subjects by week. I change it as needed as I work with my class and learn more about their needs and interests.

Back to School Tip #2: Prepare Your Classroom

As mentioned earlier, this was perhaps my favourite part of back to school preparations in my early days of teaching! It’s so much fun to set up the physical classroom. Setting up your classroom as an inviting space is a great way to make a new class feel welcomed and engaged. Putting lots of thought into the physical set-up of the classroom can also help maximize learning experiences and opportunities, too. 

Quick lesson from my experience: My classroom used to be set-up (e.g., bulletin boards, visuals around the classroom) to my liking each year. I enjoyed seeing how it came together…until one year, I couldn’t do the same. Due to a late arrival from a summer trip, I had only one day to set-up the classroom, compared to a full week or more I had in the past. That year, my students came into a more plain classroom (bare bulletin boards!), but you know what? It was the best classroom set-up ever! My students and I enjoyed decorating our space together. It was a complete mindset shift and one that I continue to follow each year since that time. The blank canvas approach has been a winning approach for me and one that I honestly didn’t think would work at the onset!

My students enjoyed decorating and setting up our space together. It was a complete mindset shift and one that I continue to do each year since that time.

Now that distance learning is something we are familiar with, I plan on setting up my Virtual Classroom spaces as well (e.g., Google Classroom, Seesaw, class website, Zoom meetings, etc.)  This is a fairly new variable in our teaching and so I think it’s important for me to reflect on what worked well (and what didn’t) last year while teaching online.

image shows a stack of picture books in front of a mug with smiley faces; the title above says, "My 3 Favourite Picture Books about Growth Mindset" by Minds to Grow Blog on

Back to School Tip #3: Welcome Your Students

Okay, it’s the first day of school and it’s time to welcome your new students! I can feel the excitement and nerves in the children, families, and teachers already! Here are a few quick ways that I like to welcome students back to school during that first week:

  • “I’m happy you’re here!” Letting my students know that I’m thrilled to have them in my class helps ease some nerves for students and families. The truth is, I’m thrilled to get to work with them! I also like to let them know that I feel nervous, too. 

  • Name Games and Activities: Since teachers and students alike are learning many new names, games and activities are one of my favourite ways to start off the new school year. Celebrating students’ names helps them feel valued and helps to build a classroom community. Invite students to say their names aloud several times (during the first few weeks) so that teachers and peers can learn to respectfully say each others’ names. One of the sweetest things a person can hear is their name as it was intended to sound. Young students can also work on writing their own name in different ways. I even have a challenge after the first two weeks of school! My students line up, while one of their peers (who wishes to participate) tries to name all (or as many) of their new classmates. If they get to a person and can’t recall the name, they simply whisper, “What’s your name again?” and the person replies, then the game continues. 

Great Back to School Read Aloud: A Letter From Your teacher: On the First Day of School (By Shannon Olsen) *non-affiliate / unsponsored link*

This shows some leaves in the corner. The question, "What is one new activity or teaching strategy you plan to start using this year?"

Back to School Tip #4: Create a Classroom Community

Teachers and students spend a lot of time together each school day. For this reason, it’s critical that I create a classroom community where students feel safe, happy, and open to learning and growing.

While students are learning each other’s names during the early days and weeks of school, it’s also fun to learn more about each other! Doing class surveys and small-group and paired activities give room for students to learn more about the peers they will be working with each day.

Student voice is very important in all that we do. When students take responsibility for caring for their peers and classroom, it makes them feel important and helpful to others (e.g., Line Leader, Pencil Manager, etc.) 

Building community can also happen when students have opportunities to share pieces about their lives with the class. Intentionally giving students time to talk with their peers often during the day helps the learning process and is a necessary building block for strengthening reading and writing skills!

Intentionally giving students time to talk with their peers often during the day helps the learning process and is a necessary building block for strengthening reading and writing skills!

This image shows a laptop with a sample of the choice board on it. The title says, "Choice boards for grade 1 - 2" for a teacher resource created by Minds to Grow. Available in the Minds to Grow TPT store.

Back to School Tip #5: Act Out Routines

Teaching routines may seem mundane at times, but they are a necessary back to school feature. Once my students know what to do, when to do it, and why it’s being done, then my classroom has a better chance of running more smoothly.

I give my students opportunities to act out the routines we are learning. Children learn so much through play and so when they are all given the chance to practice the behaviours we hope to see, they understand the expectations even better.

Some of the routines that I make sure we act out are:

  • Lining up outside of and entering the school, classroom, etc.
  • How to organize your desk
  • What to do after entering the classroom in the morning, after lunch, etc.
  • How to ask questions or share answers during large group discussions

Great Back to School Read Aloud: Butterflies on the First Day of School (by Annie Silvestro) *non-affiliate / unsponsored link*

This image shows a woman reading a book. It also shows the cover of the book, "Shifting the Balance" on the Science of Reading and Balanced Literacy.

Back to School Tip #6: Connect with Families

It is important for me as a teacher to also create that classroom community feeling with each student’s family. Greeting parents before or after school is just a nice start. At the end of the first week of school, I send a general “sunshine note” to each student’s family. Parents enjoy receiving positive messages about their children’s progress in class. I have had great experiences reaching out to parents throughout the year in order to share some good news about their child in class. 

By the end of that first week, it is also my goal to have the email addresses and/or phone numbers from parents so that I can update them whenever necessary.

Last year was the first time I set up a class website because it was easy for parents to see quick updates from our class on a whole. It is something I will incorporate again this year.

Time To Start!

Back to School time is always a super busy one. Using these six tips can help you to be ready for this year’s start. Here’s a quick recap of the six tips to help you prepare for back to school:

  1. Plan Your Year
  2. Prepare Your Classroom
  3. Welcome Your Students
  4. Create a Classroom Community
  5. Act Out Routines
  6. Connect with Families

I’m looking forward to planning out my year and meeting my new class. I wish you all the best in your upcoming school year. May it be a fulfilling one for you, your students, and their families!

Let’s chat on social media! Stay connected with Minds to Grow on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and Pinterest.